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A heart of flesh or a heart of stone.

Have you ever asked yourself about the type of heart you have? I know its a weird question to ask, but knowing the condition of your heart says alot about if you are truly born again. John the Baptist told his followers this, I baptized you in water but the one who is to come will baptism you by fire (the Holy Spirit). Meaning, John was preparing the way for the messiah that can make real changes in people’s heart.

The only way to have a new heart is if you have been baptize by the Holy Spirit. Many people can profess they are Christians, but unless they have been born again, they can’t enter the kingdom of God. When you are baptize by the Holy Spirit, you will have a new heart, a heart of flesh and not of stone.

A heart of stone is impenetrable, stuck in his/her ways, believe in their own wisdom, live for themselves, carnal, and refuse change. The Israelite display what a stone heart looks like, for example, after God delivered them from Egypt, split the red sea, and gave them food from heaven, majority of them turned away and made their own god to worship, complain and wished to go back to Egypt. Despites of everything God has done, their hearts were still of stone.

Before receiving a new heart from God, we must first understand the river of life flow through the heart, in other word, everything start at the heart. So if you heart is wicked, wicked attributes will follow, if your heart is good, then goodness attributes will follow. One thing we must understand is that everyone heart is wicked, evil, and sinful. As the apostle Paul put it, we all have fallen short of the glory of God.

The purpose of receiving a new heart from God is for us to reflect his character, walk in his ways, to be like Jesus and a witness to the world. As the sinful being that we are, for us to be like Christ, we must be born again, we have to be of the same spirit as Christ and walk in truth, the word of God.

The heart of flesh set you apart from the world, although people can’t see you heart but your actions, deeds, and lifestyle will reflect your heart. The book of Ezekiel chapter 36 describe the process of a new heart, which says “26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  27I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” God gives you a new heart through his spirit. With this new heart, you can actually live for God, and not see his ways as a burden but as light and easy. This gift is available to everyone who repent and accept Jesus for the remission of sin. What a great news family, to know we can escape God’s wrath and have eternal life. I hope this post help you to realize where you stand with God accept his gift if you haven’t.

To conclude, we all was born with a heart of stone but through Jesus sacrifice, God can create in us a new heart. I have listed three ways down below how to identify if you have a new heart. I hope this bless you and don’t forget to comment and share this blog.

Three ways to know if you have a new heart:

  1. Relationship with God through Christ- John 14:6

2. Do you want to keep God’s commandments and are you keeping them John 14:24

3. Do you have a hunger for the word, the presence of God, hating sin, life of repentance, and the love for his people. Ephesians 6:17, Matthew 18:9


My name is Lookha Albert, but my friends call me looks and I am so excited you’re here. My journey is long with a lot of detour but the Lord promise he will work it out for my good. Let’s face it, being a Christian is hard and doing it alone will only make it harder so let’s do it together. Let us seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; trusting that we will lack nothing for God will supply our needs. If you are ready to do this, follow this blog and share it with you friends so we all can be equip to do God’s will.

2 thoughts on “A heart of flesh or a heart of stone.

  1. This is a really good post! Out of the heart flow the issues of life! Thanks for this.


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